How do Chemical Peels work?
On our skin, there is a natural phenomenon where old, dead skin cells fall off to be replaced by new ones. This is called the natural process of exfoliation or renewal. This process of skin renewal slows down with age. With a chemical peel, this natural process expedited by breaking the bonds between the top first in cells.
After the skin cells are removed by the chemical peel, the natural healing process is triggered. New, healthy skin cells are revealed which makes the skin look healthier, younger, and smoother.
Chemical peels are used for a variety of problems, including skin discolouration, acne scars, crow’s feet, wrinkles, melasma, sun damage, aging and sagging skin and other scars.
What To Expect
Since chemical peels destroy old skin cells, you may expect it to hurt a bit. Although chemical peels cause a bit of stinging, it is a tolerable level of pain which typically doesn’t last long. Of course, milder peels would be less painful than stronger peels. Nevertheless, side effects that may occur after a chemical peel session may be relieved with similar medications and ointments.
Side effects of a chemical peel may be scarring, reactivation of cold sores, slight redness, swelling, irritation, and skin discoloration. Side effects of mild peels can go away immediately or after a few days. Deeper chemical peels can take up to two to three weeks to heal completely.
Types of Chemical Peels
Getting a gentle peel is an excellent option for people who need minimal treatment for cosmetic ailments such as acne scars, skin discoloration, and fine lines among other mild problems. Examples of mild peels are AHA peels, fruit acid peels, glycolic acid peels, and citric acid peels. These weak peels require minimal downtime and can heal from one to seven days after the session.
Medium peels use the same acids as mild peels but in a higher concentration and strength. Medium-strength peels are used for more moderate cosmetic problems such as wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. You can also expect to have redness, swelling, crusting, or blistering after a session. These effects usually last up to two weeks and can be remedied by mild lotions and creams.
Deep peels use the most active substances to remedy deep wrinkles, smoker’s lines, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. Since these peels are the strongest, they may require anesthesia and more powerful medication for aftercare. Following a deep peel, the skin needed to be soaked four to six times every day and applied with ointment for two weeks, followed by a special cream for another 14 days.